
Decision Support

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The Case for Arts Integration + Workbook October 1, 2019 Sensemaking & Strategic Foresight & Arts & Decision Support (in collaboration with Future Work Design) The Case for Arts Integration is a tool for connecting across campus, outlining the “what,” “why,” Impacts of the Arts & Interdisciplinary Practice March 1, 2019 Sensemaking & Maps & Arts & Decision Support While insights gained from data and interpretation of interview responses are a rich source of information, they are most exciting as a jumping-off Superclime January 7, 2015 Decision Support & Integrative Design & Climate Insights & Communications & Cognitive Ecology & Maps We made this map and sets of cards to share insights and tactics for designing and leading change. They are meant to help anticipate obstacles, Gusto January 7, 2015 Decision Support & Climate-Health Impacts & Communications & Climate Insights was developed to provide research-based guidance for the design of scientific and evidence-based communications materials around climate